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Amazon Lightsail

Amazon Lightsail lets you build applications and websites fast with low-cost, pre-configured cloud resources.

In order to deploy a minimal and public setup of whitefox you'll need:


This is not a production ready deployment, but is a pretty cheap one: approximately 8$ a month.


Your secret token will be set as an environment variable of the container and will be visible to whoever has access to the Amazon Lightsail console.


You need to configure a few things:

AWS region

head over to deployment/lightsail/demo.tfvars and change the value of region to your preferred AWS region.

Secret token

head over to deployment/lightsail/demo.tfvars and change the value of whitefox_token to a secret string that you will need to provide as the bearer token to access whitefox API.

AWS credentials

You need to provide terraform a way to authenticate to aws, so head over terraform docs and find the way that suits your needs.

Show time


cd deployment/lightsail
terraform init
terraform apply -var-file="demo.tfvars"

To verify that the deployment was successful, grab the output of the previous command, especially the public_endpoint and issue the command:

curl $public_endpoint/q/health/live

the output should be something similar to:

"status": "UP",
"checks": [

If you log into your aws lightsail account: you should see something like this:

lightsail console

Wrap up

Destroy everything running:

terraform destroy -var-file="demo.tfvars"

Might not be the best idea to store terraform state locally, evaluate to configure a different backend.